This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object MA5509D7A. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
We do not save raw packets for aircrafts that do not exists in the OGN Devices DataBase. We will only display information that can be used to identify an aircraft if the aircraft device details exists in the OGN Devices DataBase, and if the setting "I don't want this device to be identified" is deactivated.
MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>143455h 0_M3 084312160D0B32BB671A0F0DB81ED34115008603421D04687F444801 s2B cr1 +6.0kHz
:MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>143227h 1_M3 080312240D00000C191500006C07186B257B31BB67280258E10178178001A0BEA20D980107B8010D4801 s2B cr1 -4.6dB -3.2kHz
:MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>123008h 0_M3 0843121A0DC714BB671213082515DBF966401D1111B54025A938FB3B28414801 s2B cr1 8.9dB +5.1kHz
:MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>072215h 0_M3 0843121B0D9FCCBA6712140825158D9766401D6A03DD3F254F410D3E28B1114801 s2B cr1 +7.3kHz 19e
:MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>064742h 2__3 080312240D00000C191500006C071878258BC4BA67280258C303783D8001A0EEA407980104B8010D18014803 s2B cr1 -6.1dB +2.6kHz 4e
:MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>064639h 0_M3 084312160D49C4BA671A0F0D48E1944115007830421D9C8E7F444801 s2B cr1 +8.0kHz
:MA5509D7A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>064613h 1_M3 0843121A0D2FC4BA671213082615508D67401D85EBB14025AE6D463C28414801 s2B cr1 -2.1dB -2.6kHz