This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object M2304CD4A. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
We do not save raw packets for aircrafts that do not exists in the OGN Devices DataBase. We will only display information that can be used to identify an aircraft if the aircraft device details exists in the OGN Devices DataBase, and if the setting "I don't want this device to be identified" is deactivated.
M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>124032h 4__7 080312260D3BDCB91A1532C19806181D253C17BB6728023D3B17BB6758C3037802800100980105B801204801 s2B cr1 -3.3dB -3.2kHz
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>101856h 2__7 084312160D08F6BA671A0F0DB81E51411500C766421D84CB8044 s2B cr1 -1.8dB +3.6kHz
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>085349h 3__7 0843121C0D17E2BA671215083C1546B673401D2222223F2566AD263F28F8CC03 s2B cr1 -2.6dB -2.7kHz 1e
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>045036h 3__7 084312160D1AA9BA671A0F0DB81E4D4115006167421DDD868044 s2B cr1 -3.6dB -2.8kHz 2e
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>042032h 2__7 084312160D0EA2BA671A0F0D85EB4D4115008B66421D64888044 s2B cr1 -6.1dB +3.6kHz
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>232538h 1__7 0843121C0DED5CBA67121508551539B480401DC6921F40256D331E3F28C9C201 s2B cr1 -3.1dB -3.1kHz
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>230108h 4__7 084312160D3057BA671A0F0DAE47514115008E63421D3C718044 s2B cr1 -4.6dB -3.2kHz 1e
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>214932h 4__7 0843121C0D6A46BA671215085B15A24582401D85EBA1402530292F3F28C69501 s2B cr1 -3.6dB -3.1kHz
:M2304CD4A>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>195602h 4__7 080312260D1EE0B91A15C0BC9806180B25CF2BBA6728023DB12BBA6758A7037801800100980107B80120 s2B cr1 -3.3dB -3.1kHz 7e