This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object M428DC39F. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
We do not save raw packets for aircrafts that do not exists in the OGN Devices DataBase. We will only display information that can be used to identify an aircraft if the aircraft device details exists in the OGN Devices DataBase, and if the setting "I don't want this device to be identified" is deactivated.
M428DC39F>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>143423h 2__4 0803121A0D7448461B15E375990518C30625EB31BB677800800100B80120 s2B cr1 -1.1dB +3.4kHz
:M428DC39F>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>125154h 0_M3 0803121A0D2C3B461B158D62990518930725E419BB677800800100B801204801 s2B cr1 9.2dB +5.3kHz 3e
:M428DC39F>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>122611h 0__3 0803121A0DBB4A461B159B5A990518C80625DF13BB677800800100B80120 s2B cr1 -3.6dB -3.2kHz 1e
:M428DC39F>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>094350h 0_M3 080112144369616F206D657368206461204F6C67696174654801 s2B cr1 +5.2kHz 1e
:M428DC39F>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>094308h 0_M3 080112154369616F206D6573682C766461204F6C67696174654801 s2B cr1 -3.6dB -2.9kHz 1e