This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object MB03D7BA0. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
We do not save raw packets for aircrafts that do not exists in the OGN Devices DataBase. We will only display information that can be used to identify an aircraft if the aircraft device details exists in the OGN Devices DataBase, and if the setting "I don't want this device to be identified" is deactivated.
MB03D7BA0>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>143703h 3_M5 0843121C0D7532BB671215086515355E8A401D52B85E4025BC95924028C7AF06 s2B cr1 -3.3dB -3.2kHz 3e
:MB03D7BA0>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>080142h 2_M5 0843121C0DD6D5BA671215086515AC1C8A401DD30642402592ED8340289DF604 s2B cr1 6.2dB +6.4kHz
:MB03D7BA0>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1267:>063745h 2_M5 0804124A0A09216230336437626130120B49573246434820376261301A0446434831220634CDB03D7BA0282B422079F4F6B3708902D7FBFB420E6C742C585A31C9BCB0C9F95D1D5931870D612C30 s2B cr1 -5.3dB -2.6kHz 7e
:MB03D7BA0>OGMSHT,qAS,LIDH:>234825h 2_M5 0843121C0D3B62BA67121508651579E98A401D00000000251FAB324028828F03 s2B cr1 -3.3dB -3.2kHz 4e
:MB03D7BA0>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX1189:>222326h 2_M5 0843121C0D4E4EBA6712150865150AD78B401D049D864025B94450402895E702 s2B cr1 9.4dB +8.3kHz