This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object M1D49F208. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
We do not save raw packets for aircrafts that do not exists in the OGN Devices DataBase. We will only display information that can be used to identify an aircraft if the aircraft device details exists in the OGN Devices DataBase, and if the setting "I don't want this device to be identified" is deactivated.
M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>101147h 0__0 084312180D60F4BA671211086515FCA989401D59F22D41255AD11840 s2B cr1 -2.1dB +3.6kHz
:M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>091146h 0__0 084312180D4FE6BA6712110865159A9989401DABAA62412582280840 s2B cr1 -0.1dB +3.6kHz
:M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>071144h 0__0 084312180D2CCABA671211086515AC1C8A401D48E1B24025705ED13F s2B cr1 -3.8dB +3.6kHz
:M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>065644h 0__0 084312180DA8C6BA67121108651523DB89401D898812412557C7E43F s2B cr1 -1.3dB +3.3kHz
:M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>215636h 1__0 084312180D1048BA671211086515AC1C8A401D36D0ED4025D7A3EC3F s2B cr1 -6.8dB +3.7kHz
:M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>205634h 0__0 084312180DFF39BA67121108651585EB89401D9999ED4025542FD43F s2B cr1 -4.1dB +3.6kHz
:M1D49F208>OGMSHT,qAS,AcaoCDF:>201134h 1__0 084312180D722FBA67121108651523DB89401D824EFF402542190540 s2B cr1 -3.3dB +3.6kHz