This is the latest recevied packets stored in our database for station/object M61D983D2. If no packets are shown the sender has not sent any packets the latest 24 hours.
We do not save raw packets for aircrafts that do not exists in the OGN Devices DataBase. We will only display information that can be used to identify an aircraft if the aircraft device details exists in the OGN Devices DataBase, and if the setting "I don't want this device to be identified" is deactivated.
M61D983D2>OGMSHT,qAS,EPKP:>203120h 2__3 0843121C0D1834BA6712150841153F3576401D1F856B3F25F46A223E28A498014800 s2B cr1 -2.2kHz
:M61D983D2>OGMSHT,qAS,EPKP:>195520h 2__3 0843121C0DA82BBA6712150840152DB275401D0000000025814E9B3D28B487014800 s2B cr1 7.4dB -1.7kHz 10e
:M61D983D2>OGMSHT,qAS,EPKP:>191919h 2__3 0843121B0D3723BA671214083A15986E72401D37D0A93E251E13BC3D28C4764800 s2B cr1 3.9dB -4.6kHz
:M61D983D2>OGMSHT,qAS,EPKP:>183719h 2__3 0843121B0D5F19BA671214082F15A69B6C401D8988483F25006D2D3E28EB624800 s2B cr1 6.7dB -4.9kHz
:M61D983D2>OGMSHT,qAS,EPKP:>180702h 2__3 0804124A0A09213631643938336432120B576965C5BC6120525456201A04575254562206E42461D983D2283F4220F6D4BB9F0972DEEE7933F86C94AD0AA788F5A98F886DE7F0BBC33C6D2B6618104800 s2B cr1 8.2dB -5.0kHz 3e
:M61D983D2>OGMSHT,qAS,AVX905:>175520h 0__3 0843121B0D870FBA671214083915AC1C72401D0000000025B30FDF3D28934F s2B cr1 -0.1dB +1.2kHz